UX Insiders

Getting hired: Transitioning into UX from an unrelated career

Emilie Mazurek, Senior UX Designer

Are you interested in a career in UX, but not sure you have the right background? Join us for our latest UX Insider webinar where we discover the secrets to transitioning into UX from a completely unrelated career. Emilie Mazurek will show you the ropes and teach you everything you need to know to get started on your journey to UX success. Say hello to a career that's rewarding, creative and makes an impact on people’s lives.



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Webinar agenda

Emilie will take us through her career to date and how to transition into UX from a non-UX background including:

  • Her career to date
  • Transitioning into UX
  • Early career tips and tricks


Emilie Mazurek
Emilie Mazurek
Senior UX Designer

Emilie is a UX Designer with a background in biochemistry, music and hospitality. Within her craft, Emilie is a user advocate, focused on delivering strategic and meaningful experiences. Emilie’s path to design was unconventional. She studied biochemistry and worked in a microbiology lab during her undergraduate. She volunteered for a decade and worked at a medical clinic in Guatemala. Despite scoring competitively on the MCAT, she chose not to pursue a career in medicine. Why? Because when she discovered UX Design it was like a light bulb turned on – a career based on data and analytics with a human-centered creative approach? Sign her up!